tagliatella alle castagne

Chestnut Tagliatelle, shredded buffalo cheese, hazelnuts and chestnuts

Ingredients for 4 people:

Shredded buffalo cheese 200g

Legu Tagliatelle made with chestnut flour 250g

Chestnuts, hazelnuts, salt, pepper and EVO oil

Soak the chestnuts in water for about 10 minutes, drain and cut the peel before baking them in a microwave oven for about 3 minutes at 750W

Emulsify in a pan the shredded buffalo cheese with EVO oil, salt and pepper. Boil the tagliatelle for 4 minutes, drain it and stir-fry with the sauce in the pan adding a little cooking water from the pasta pot. Add crumbled chestnuts and hazelnuts.

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